DIN invites industry and Defence to help identify important problems. We are seeking problem statements with high potential to satisfy defence capability needs.

Authors of selected problems will be invited to pitch their ideas at the virtual DIN Sandpit Workshop in March 2021 (date to be confirmed) attended by academics, Defence and industry representatives.

Some of the problems will form a base for a call for project proposals to our member universities to address these problem statements directly. Successful proposals will be funded up to $200,000 by the DIN Pilot Project grants.

Problem statements can be submitted online until 5:00 PM on Friday, 26 February 2021.


About Pilot Project Grants

Pilot Project case studies 


Our Partner Universities

Australian National University logo
Charles Sturt University logo
Macquarie university logo
University of New South Wales logo
University of Newcastle logo
University of Sydney logo
University of Wollongong logo
University of Technology Sydney logo
Western Sydney University logo