Samples of our major and world leading capabilities.

Each DIN university provides scholarships for Australian PhD students to support projects with a defence focus. DIN provides additional funding towards the stipend.

Macquarie University

    • Soldier Physical Performance Enhancement
    • A room-temperature NV diamond maser for quantum sensing, timekeeping and navigation
    • Using Cues: The Cognitive Enabler of Warfighting
    • Microfluidic Cooling for High Power RF Electronics

University of New South Wales

    • *NEW Quantum Methods for Securing Remote Devices
    • Surface Vessel Detection using GPS Reflectometry
    • Structural Supercapacitors
    • Optical technologies for distributed array sonars
    • Kelvin wake fingerprinting of submerged vessels

University of Newcastle

    • *NEW Quantum Methods for Securing Remote Devices  
    • Real-time Cognitive Measures for Enhanced Human Performance
    • Robo-Laser: A Novel System for Remediation of Marine Corrosion in Confined Spaces Within Naval Platforms Using Laser-Carrying Spider Robots
    • Naval ship response under extreme loads
    • Cyber security for autonomous systems

University of Wollongong

    • Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and Data Fusion for Improvised Threat Detection
    • Real-time ATR of Naval Mines with AUV Sonar Imaging
    • Cooperative operation of UAVs and other types of vehicles considering energy constraints and uncertainty
    • Project Kosciuszko: Supporting deep decisions in AI-enabled command and control

University of Sydney

    • *NEW Drone Systems Testing and Failure Mode Recognition using AI and ML
    • AI-enabled Software-Defined Radio for Tactical Communications
    • Tunable Laser Eye Protection
    • Drag-reducing Anti-fouling Coatings for Maritime Applications
    • Finding Haystacks within Haystacks: An AI Framework for Automated, Machine-to-Machine Sharing of Benign Cyber Intelligence Data

University of Technology Sydney


Western Sydney University

    • *NEW Detecting Deepfakes by Decoding the Subconscious
    • Trust in Human Autonomy Teaming
    • Event-based Imaging for Space Situational Awareness
    • Stealthy osmotic engines
    • Optimal design and testing of composite structures with enhanced protection capability against a laser weapon attack

Our Partner Universities

Australian National University logo
Charles Sturt University logo
Macquarie university logo
University of New South Wales logo
University of Newcastle logo
University of Sydney logo
University of Wollongong logo
University of Technology Sydney logo
Western Sydney University logo