Unlocking the Potential of Emerging Technologies.

Defence Innovation Network is excited to announce the launch of the Pilot Projects 2.0 program, an opportunity designed to empower the maturation and commercialisation of previously funded technologies within DIN’s Pilot Project program.

DIN Pilot Projects 2.0 aim to identify and fund completed Pilot Projects with the highest potential to evolve into commercial products or services. Through a robust and thorough TRL scheme, we aim to develop advanced prototypes, showcasing the technology’s readiness for the market.

Up to $200,000 will be provided for projects scoped for 12-18 months.


The Pilot Projects 2.0 scheme is open only to project teams that have previously received and successfully completed projects funded by the DIN Pilot Projects program.


    12-Jul-23                     Call for Proposals
    23-Aug-23                  Applications due
    Aug-Sep-23                Technical Review Panel Assessment
    25-Sep-23                   Result announcement
    Oct-Dec-23                Contracting
    01-Jan-24                    Project Start

    Application process

    Applications should be submitted by email to info@defenceinnovationnetwork.com by 5 PM, 23 August 2023.


    DIN Pilot Projects 2.0- Guidelines

    DIN Pilot Projects 2.0- Application form


    Our Partner Universities

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    Western Sydney University logo