Research Driven Cyber Awareness Education

Company: Alpha Echo
Duration: 3-months
Start Date: November 2024
Location: Newcastle
Scholarship: $20,000

About the Company

Alpha Echo is a cybersecurity consultancy specialising in Cyberworthiness and Defence consulting. We have a multidisciplinary approach to cybersecurity, incorporating a variety of security specialists, intelligence analysts, behavioural scientists, educators, and engineers. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to take a holistic approach to cybersecurity.

Project Objective

The Research-Driven Cyber Awareness Education project aims to develop informed cyber educational course materials backed by emerging scientific literature from education, cybersecurity, and psychology.

The foreseeable deliverables of this project include a literature review of related training, the development of educational materials, the development and testing of measurement tools to assess the effectiveness of training, and the development of behavioural insights to drive behaviour actionable education outcomes.

Project Tasks

The intern will undertake a range of tasks, which may include literature review, writing research reports, education material development, designing briefs, and developing surveys/assessment tools. The intern may also contribute to other current projects relevant to their skill set, such as behavioural insights or cybersecurity technical development.


Intern Skills

The intern should have skills in the literature review, knowledge of education/training principles, and an understanding of cybersecurity and human factors. The intern should also have project management skills, presentation skills, and data analysis skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively. Additionally, specific knowledge of the topic (cybersecurity/education), as well as knowledge of personality, attitudes, and behaviours, is desirable for the role.

The intern should be a strong communicator, able to work independently and collaboratively, able to adjust as work may change rapidly, show an approachable demeanor and a value for continuing learning.



Students should fill out an online application form and submit their supporting documents (listed below) to info@defenceinnovationnetwork.com by 13 September 2024.

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation Letter
  • Supervisor Support Letter
  • Proof of Australian citizenship or permanent residence
    (e.g. passport, birth certificate, citizenship or PR certificate)



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