Defence Innovation Network is calling for applications for PhD scholarship projects.


DIN’s Scholarship Program is a collaborative platform for universities and Defence companies to work together on a three-year defence-related PhD project. The program is designed to support students in defence-related fields and equip them with industry-relevant skills and knowledge while promoting career pathways in Defence.

DIN will support 18 scholarships at DIN member universities that will address current or emerging Defence needs.

Project Funding

The program is funded by the DIN Member Universities as a part of their commitment to DIN and the NSW Government through the Defence Innovation Network. Student scholarships for each year consist of:
• $32,192 (min 2024) provided by the DIN member university
• $5,500 provided by the DIN


13 Nov 2023              Call for PhD Proposals opens
8 Mar 2024                Call for PhD Proposals closes
Mar 2024                   Selection
Apr 2024                    Award Letter & Student recruitment start

Application process

Applications should be submitted online by 8 March2024.



DIN PhD Scholarship Guidelines



Our Partner Universities

Australian National University logo
Charles Sturt University logo
Macquarie university logo
University of New South Wales logo
University of Newcastle logo
University of Sydney logo
University of Wollongong logo
University of Technology Sydney logo
Western Sydney University logo