DSTG and the state-based innovation networks are launching a call to academia to collaborate on a number of Defence OR topics through the Operations Research Network (ORnet).

The intention is that projects will run for a period of up to 12 months commencing in July 2021. Individual project proposals can indicate work up to $100K. There will be an expectation of an in-kind contribution in the successful proposal.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 26 March 2021.


The ORnet is a collaborative initiative between Defence and academia that will bring together a network of universities to work on Defence problems. It was established to grow and strengthen the Australian operations research (OR) community’s ability to support Defence decision making, with a particular focus on Australian Defence Force design and employment. The intent of the ORnet is to provide coordinated pathways by which Defence can create enduring relationships between DSTG and academia to address challenging OR problems of national and strategic importance.

DSTG is seeking to revolutionise how they undertake OR to better handle the interaction of complex geopolitical, social, technological, economic and cultural factors impacting the capability of the current force and design of the future force.

Topics of Interest

This call will be comprised of two components:

– Philosophy of OR
– General Defence OR topics.

Universities who are signatories to the Defence Science Partnerships (DSP) 2.0 program are welcome to submit proposals to any/all topics contained in this call, and the Commonwealth reserves the right to fund all, some or none of the topic areas.

Important Dates

01-Mar-21: Call for research collaboration proposals

26-Mar-21: Closing date for research collaboration proposal submissions

From 07-Apr-21: Selected partners are notified and invited to begin discussions on details of the collaboration

12-Apr-21 to 31-May-21: Discussions about work program requirements with selected partners

01-Jun-21 to 02-Jul-21: Establishment and executions of collaborative research agreements

05-Jul-21 to 30-Jun-22: Duration of collaborative research agreements

Our Partner Universities

Australian National University logo
Charles Sturt University logo
Macquarie university logo
University of New South Wales logo
University of Newcastle logo
University of Sydney logo
University of Wollongong logo
University of Technology Sydney logo
Western Sydney University logo