Challenge Statement: Tactical Logistics Uncrewed Aerial Systems for the Land Force


The Department of Defence via the Australian Army and the Defence Innovation Hub (DIH) are seeking Innovative Submissions that will assist Defence in exploring tactical Logistics Uncrewed Aerial Systems (LOG-UAS) for the Land Force.

Army has a mature layering of surveillance and reconnaissance UASs from micro through to large. However, UAS that can supplement / undertake routine resupply, high risk combat resupply and casualty evacuation missions to troops in contact remains a capability gap. For context, industry could consider Army’s Robotic and Autonomous Systems Strategy which outlines the need for un-crewed and autonomous platforms to deliver combat supplies through self-cueing resupply and automated platform delivery.

This Challenge Statement is focused on addressing Army’s LOG-UAS needs and is seeking a minimum of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3-4 systems. Defence is seeking Submissions that will include a technology demonstration of at least TRL 5 for Australian Army user evaluation within 18 months of contract commencement.


  • Stage 1- Call for Submissions
  • Stage 2- Request for Proposals

Army Innovation Day

AID22 will be held as an event within the Chief of Army’s Symposium on 10 Aug 2022 at the Adelaide Convention Centre. The purpose of AID22 is for Tenderers to exhibit proposed innovation concepts (including formal Submission questioning) to nominated Defence personnel. 

AID22 is open to Defence personnel, Defence contractors, invited guests and the media with an exclusion to the general public. Invitations will be extended to the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Defence Industry, Service Chiefs, Defence Group Heads, and senior Australian Defence Force officers responsible for capability development. Optional invitations include Australian Federal Police, Australian Border Force and the Department of Home Affairs senior officers and select foreign nationals.


Defence is seeking innovative LOG-UAS that can undertake routine resupply, high risk combat resupply or, casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) missions.

  • Theme 1 – Tactical Logistics UAS (Medium)
  • Theme 2 – Tactical Logistics UAS (Large)
  • Theme 3 – Casualty evacuation UAS


Stage 1 05 May 22 Call for submissions due
10 Aug 22 Army Innovation Day presentation
Stage 2 13 Oct 22 Request for DIH proposals due
Dec 22 Tender results announced



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