Army Quantum Technology Challenge 2021

The Department of Defence via the Australian Army and the Land Capability Division (Defence) is seeking submissions that will demonstrate solutions to The Challenge (details in the Challenge Statement) at the first Army Quantum Technology Exploration Day (AQTED21), to be held on 20 April 2021 at the Brisbane Exhibition Centre.

Army is seeking to leverage Australia’s national strategic strength in quantum technology research, its emerging quantum industry and cooperation with aligned nations, to gain and retain an early quantum advantage.

Submissions are open to Australian Permanent Residents or Citizens only, and must hold an ABN. Proposals must directly address one of three sub-themes as outlined in the Challenge Statement. Applicants which cannot participate in AQTED21 at the Brisbane Exhibition Centre on 20 April 2021 will not be progressed.

Successful applicants may be awarded contracts of up to $50,000.

Submissions due 14 December 2020 at 12:00pm (ACT Local Time).

The Challenge

In this Challenge, Defence wishes to test if:

  • quantum sensors can deliver enhanced detection and imaging of gravitational and magnetic anomalies
  • quantum computers can deliver enhanced decision making in operational planning
  • there are effective countermeasures to quantum communications.

The following three sub-themes define specific examples of the above in land operations. These examples have been chosen because they are both sufficiently specific and tangible for respondents to make appropriate assumptions and produce meaningful results, whilst also being generalisable to other situations and tasks in land operations.

Proposals must directly address one of the sub-themes:

  1. detection and imaging of subterranean structures and matériel
  2. optimisation of last-mile resupply by a squad of autonomous ground vehicles
  3. disruption of satellite-mediated quantum communications

Army Quantum Technologies Exploration Day 2021

AQTED21 will be held at the Brisbane Exhibition Centre on 20 April 2021 in conjunction with the Chief of Army Symposium 2021, which begins the day prior. The AQTED21 program will include: demonstrations and presentations from contracted Applicants, pitches from invited Applicants, and opportunities for both groups of Applicants to discuss and receive feedback from defence personnel. The event will be promoted through defence media channels and provides an excellent opportunity to build networks within Defence.

AQTED21 is open to Defence personnel, Defence contractors, invited guests, the media. Invitations will be extended to the senior representatives from across technology and innovation groups within Defence.

Our Partner Universities

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