The Defence Innovation Network offers up to $200,000 of funding to support collaboration between member universities, Industry and Defence. Pilot Projects should demonstrate high potential to satisfy an existing or emerging Defence capability need or defence industry need.

The Defence Innovation Network has received support from the NSW Government to fund projects with direct industry and defence focus.

DIN Pilot Project Funding Scheme aims to conduct a rapid feasibility study on new ideas for Defence and develop these ideas into concept or technology that can attract further investment from the government or industry


In June 2019, the NSW DIN hosted a number of workshops attended by representatives from ADF, DST Group and industry. The workshops delivered various problem statements, which are the subject of this call.

Submissions are invited by university researchers for proposed collaborative research grants. DIN will provide funding support for a limited number of proposals which directly address these problem statements and demonstrate the best team fit and inter-university collaboration.

To be successful, Pilot Projects must meet the DIN’s selection criteria. Projects should be scoped in such a way as to be completed within a 6-12 month time-frame, and preferably employing existing research capability and capacity.

To ensure substantive progress towards realistic goals, applicants may scope the project as part of a longer-term program of work and may contain one or more milestones towards the achievement of goals towards solving the problem.


In the 2019-20, DIN Pilot Project grant scheme has $650,000 available. Application for the DIN Pilot Project Grant is a one stage process.

Proposals should be submitted to by the due date 2 September  2019.

All applicants are expected to communicate with their university coordinator to ensure that they have optimum visibility of progress and intended submissions.

Applicants are expected to get in touch with the problem originator, during the proposal drafting stage, to ensure the clarity of the objectives of the problem and alignment with end-user requirements.


15-Jul-19         Call for Proposals- Applications open
02-Sep-19       Applications close
16-Sep-19       Technical Panel Assessment
11-Oct-19       DIN Steering Committee Approval
16-Oct-19       Successful Applicants announced
Oct-Nov-19    Contracting & Start of projects


1. Soldier Navigation in GPS-denied Environments
2. Soldier Data Analytics
3. Soldier Cognitive Performance 
4. AI-enabled Wargaming
6. Laser-based Corrosion Management for Naval Platforms
7. Kinesthetic Measures of Soldier Readiness
8. Metabolic Measures of Soldier Heat Stress
9. Sensors for JORN
10. Miniaturised Active Radar
11. HMI For Multi-UAS Missions
12. Self Aware Artificial Intelligence (AI) Navigation and Control System
13. Moving vessel collision avoidance for autonomous underwater vehicles


DIN Pilot Project Guidelines-2019-20
DIN Pilot Project-ApplicationForm-2019-20

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